Yearly Planner For your Business and a great Christmas Gift for your clients!
Yearly Planner For your Business – Towards the end of a working year, a lot of you know of the hustle and bustle that occurs within your office to race to the finish line. Last minute jobs need to get done in order for you to have a relaxing Christmas.
Our WMA headquarters were no different! Blogs, Websites, Graphic Design, Google Analytics, and last minute artwork all had to be done before the angels could rest their creative brains and wings.
During this chaotic period however, we decided, what a lovely gift it would be (and great marketing… we wouldn’t be called Web MARKETING Angels if we didn’t have marketing strategies on our heads!) if we created some yearly planners for our VIP clients!
The idea was born and swiftly passed over to our Graphic and Creative Team! Here the idea became a reality! Within three days of meticulously creating a yearly planner which would allow for clients to not only jot down key dates for themselves, have reference to key dates such as public holidays, and have quick reference to our phone number…sometimes you just need some help from an Angel, we had a yearly planner all ready to go out for our VIP clients as a Christmas gift!
We were only too happy to see our yearly planner being USED by Jeremy Swan, a young artist featured in the Ferntree Gully Newspaper (page 15). It brought a lot of happiness and joy to the creative team.
Our yearly planner, as it turns out was a big hit! Aside from being used by Jeremy, we have had a lot of great feedback and our yearly planner sits proudly in many an office around Melbourne! In fact, once the holidays were over and our Design team had rested their wings and come back to the office, one of their tasks was to create another yearly planner for one of our favorite clients iShred!
Our design team can’t wait for the end of the year to create a fresh new design for our clients to enjoy next year! If you would like to have your very own yearly planner designed and customized for your clients, get in touch with us!