• To add a new post, select “Posts” from the left-hand menu and select “Add New”





  • Click on “Use the Divi Builder”:


  • In the “Add New Post” screen, enter the title of your new post in Enter Title Here (see ① below):


  • Select “Insert Columns” to select your layout (see ② below):


The layout defaults to a single column layout unless you change it to one of the following options:How-To-Add-and-Edit-a-Blog-Post---Add-New-Post04

  • Once you have chosen your layout, select “Insert Module”.


  • You’ll see all of your module options. The number of Module options you have available will depend on your individual website requirements:


  • To create blog text, select “Insert Module” again, and then select “Text” Module from your module options.  You can now create and edit your text just as you would in an MS Word document (see below):


Click on “Save & Exit” when finished.

  • To insert an image in your post, select “Add Media” (see above). You will now have the Insert Media options (see below):


Here, you can choose from your Media Library on your computer, or choose to Upload Files from another location (see below).


Once you have selected your file, select “Insert into Post” (bottom right of window).

  • To edit your image, click on the image and you’ll see a format bar, just as you would in MS Word. From this bar you can edit the format/layout of the image.


  • Next, you need to select the Category for your post, so that it is published to the appropriate page. This can be found on the right of your screen.  In the case of a new blog, you might choose to post it to a category such as “Latest News”, or “Event Promotion”.


  • Once you have selected your Category, you can preview your page by selecting “Preview” on the right side of the page (see below):


  • If you need to Edit the post, Select “Posts” ˃ “All Posts” from the Menu on the Left side of the screen.  Choose the post you want to edit, and select “Edit” from underneath the Post title (see below):


  • To publish your post to your website, select “Publish” on the Right of your screen.
