Web Marketing Angels Server Hosting


Dedicated Server Hosting is a type of Internet hosting. The client leases an entire server that isn’t shared with anyone else. This server is devoted to a single organization, unlike a shared server, which acts as a host to multiple clients.


Without a dedicated server, server-wide traffic slows your website to a crawl. Web Marketing Angels can give you access to many aspects of your website and make it easier for you to customise, optimise and modernise.

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Dedicated Server Hosting Web Marketing Angels

Dedicated servers for your business

Don't settle for less.

Dedicate your website to speed, efficiency and reliability. Reduce the anxiety of checking your website to see if it works, and rest assured that your website is running smoothly for you and your clients.

Dedicated server hosting gives you an edge.

A dedicated host gives your website a variety of advantages that can benefit your business in the long run. Future-proof your business with a dedicated server that can withstand your website traffic.

These advantages include:


  • Increased reliability and up time
  • Faster websites – up to 8x faster than a shared server
  • Less stress about other websites on a shared server, which may slow your own website response times
  • Prevent your website from being blacklisted if other sites on your shared server are blacklisted
  • Locally hosted in Australia

Website hosting options at your fingertips.

Our Melbourne-based website hosting services are available to suit your business needs and budget. For as little as $20 per month, you can get started with our Website Hosting Packages.

You can be rest assured that our server is securely maintained. Our hosting services are backed up three times a day with high-grade Dell hardware mirrored drives. With Web Marketing Angels, you can:


  • Customise website features
  • Implement your software of choice
  • Introduce better feeds and take your website management to the next level

explore our website hosting packages for as little as $20 a month.

* Bandwidth packages vary depending on the size of your website. Contact us for more details.

Work With Us

With over 15 years of experience and an established client base, Web Marketing Angels take pride in working with your business and dedicating space in our servers for your website.


Websites hosted on our dedicated servers daily.


Businesses with optimised websites and faster load times.

and more…

Clients looking to gain control over their online footprint.

Contact us today

Contact us for any enquiries, concerns and feedback. We would love to hear from you!