The new Melbourne City Car Rentals business has hit the streets and the team at Web Marketing Angels have given them an exciting and inviting online presence.

When it comes to the latest work created for the Melbourne City Car Rentals team, at Web Marketing Angels we dived deep to create a modern yet effective look to help them stand out from the car park crowd.


Pushing tyres, lights and steering wheels to one side, bringing the Melbourne City Car Rentals website to life allowed us to create a wow-factor logo, an easy-to-use interface, upped the SEO factor to allow for high ranking in searches and other little tweaks to give them the eye-catching edge over their counterparts.
So, where do you start with a website like this one?


Easy to use

If you need to rent a car in Melbourne, here’s one site that’s easy to find your way around. We have designed the website in a way for customers to find all their available services without too much hassle.

Need to rent a car? It’s just one click away.

Finding the right make and model for your journey is also just a simple search with easy filters on hand. You can also find nearby attractions and hotels to visit when you hit the road. All your questions are answered through the FAQ tab and ways of contacting the team behind the scenes is even easier!

At Web Marketing Angels, we know that a website that’s accessible and easy for a customer to use, makes for a more successful website in the long run.  


Car rental service
Car hire through web

Logos, colours and more

If there’s anything we have learnt at Web Marketing Angels, a logo is a big attraction for any business. We have created a modern, yet attractive logo encompassing the face of Melbourne City Car Rentals with a spread of colour mixed through their site.

We have kept it simple, yet effective without taking the focus away from the information at hand.



Car hire on laptop

SEO optimisation

The importance of SEO ranking can’t be overstated!

SEO is crucial in making your website more visible, in turn bringing more customers your way.

For Melbourne City Car Rentals we have utilised SEO to ensure the website is high ranking, bringing customers in at a rate that is comparable to a long-standing fellow car rental company.


Is it time for your business to join the online world and you don’t know where to start?

Reach out to the Web Marketing Angels team with all your questions and we’ll help you put your business out there.