Is Your Business Website Design Scaring Away Customers?

Don’t you hate it when you search for a product or service, find a few businesses on Google, go into one to visit their website, and… what is this? Is this MySpace? Has it been updated since the internet was invented? Is this Snakes on my phone? Ok, that may all be a little extreme, but the point is, if a website looks odd, old, or over it, you aren’t sticking around. Well, your potential customers work on the same premise. Ouch?

First impressions matter

These days, the world moves fast and no one has time to dig a little deeper than the surface unless they’re given a reason to. So give them a reason to. It takes just seconds for a visitor to your website to form that first impression. And it’s not just about your site; it’s about you and your brand. Be the first impression you want your visitors to see and show them that on your website.

Is Your Business Website design scaring away customers?

The importance of mobile responsiveness

Long gone are the days when the internet equaled computer with more and more web traffic coming from mobile devices. In order to that precious traffic, you need a responsive site. What that means is you want your website to be able to adapt to various screen sizes like computers, mobile devices, and tablet tablets. It doesn’t just happen, you need a well-designed responsive website, but having one ensures your page looks great, is easy to navigate, and improves user experience.


Keeping it fresh and updated

An outdated website can quickly become irrelevant and a website can quickly become outdated. It’s easy to avoid this website death trap with regular content updates and the occasional design refresh. An active website that is consistently updated can also improve your search rankings.


Who has time for that?

We know it can be time-consuming to regularly check in with your site and make sure it’s fresh and engaging, responsive, and giving the right impression. Who has time for that, right? Actually, we do! And we love it. From expanding and enhancing current website builds with a refreshing re-designing to creating new website builds from scratch, Web Marketing Angels has you covered. We’ll ensure your website is the perfect first impression so that you can get on with running your business.



Is Your Business Website design scaring away customers?

Business success is waiting

Your website is key to your business’s success so don’t let it scare away customers before they’ve even had a chance to see the great things you offer. Let’s work together to integrate your values and brand into your online presence so that everyone else will know who you are and want more! Ready for a great website? Then let’s go.


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