Is your business breaking SPAM laws?

When it comes to sending out emails or other marketing materials to your customers or clients, it’s important to ensure that your business isn’t breaking SPAM laws.

If you’re already wondering if your business breaking SPAM laws, chances are it might be time to brush up on a few of the rules and regulations to make sure you’re in the know and aren’t violating any laws.

So how can you work out if your business is breaking SPAM laws?

One of the first aspects to check on is consent from individuals before sending out marketing emails/messages. This consent should be given freely, specific and informed.
Under the Spam Act, it’s also up to you to prove that you have a person’s consent. Once you have gained consent from recipients (which must not be done via email!), always ensure any future message identifies you as the sender; contains your contact details and makes it easy for recipients to unsubscribe as they wish.

It’s likely people will consent and unsubscribe at different times, it’s important to update your email address list regularly. This will help in removing old and invalid addresses and update those who want to be there.

Am I Breaking Spam Laws
Am I Breaking Spam Laws

Proper email composition is key!

When composing emails, use subject lines that accurately reflect the content of what you are about to send. Misleading or deceptive subject lines can also lead to spam law violations. If you work with third-party partners in your marketing or use email service providers, ensure that they also follow spam laws. Your business can still be held liable for violations that occur through these partnerships with others.

Regularly review your email marketing practices and make adjustments as needed to ensure you are following the rules and delivering valuable content to your subscribers. It may also pay to provide regular training to your team (internal and external) about spam laws and the best practices to follow. This will help prevent any unintentional law violations.

Did you know there are actually some exemptions to the Spam Act?

Messages that are purely factual and messages from faxes, internet pop-ups or voice telemarketing are exempt from the Spam Act. Electronic messages are also allowed from government bodies, registered political parties, registered charities and even educational institutions (providing it goes to current and past students).

When it comes to protecting your business, the best way to go is keep informed and up-to-date with all the latest laws, especially when it comes to spam! If you aren’t sure, or you have some questions, reach out to the team here at Web Marketing Angels, we’ll be happy to help!