COVID Update for your business

We’ve been waiting a long time to see business back in full swing. But are you ready? Here’s a COVID Update Checklist to make sure.

There are a number of things to tick off before business opens up completely in the next few weeks, and with so much information being thrown at us, it’s hard to know sometimes what is important. Having a COVID Update plan to inform clients and customers is extremely important.

At Web Marketing Angels, we are all about using the digital space as productively as possible. We know how much your business will benefit from adding a COVID Update to your online profiles and websites.

Here’s our COVID Update Checklist to get you started!

1. Add your COVID Plan to your website

By now you should have your COVID plan well and truly ready to go, so adding it to your website is a natural next step. If you haven’t finished putting your plan together, or need extra information or assistance, Business Victoria can help.

Web Marketing Angels provides website update services if you would rather hand the job over to the experts.

2. Get your QR codes sorted

Register your business premises and/or vehicles to get your free contact tracing QR code for check-ins via the Victorian Government’s Coronavirus website. For NSW businesses click HERE, or for Queensland businesses click HERE.

3. Update your Google Business profile

This COVID update for your business is vital – it is likely the first thing people will see when they search for your business online. Adding these details to your Google Business profile is a pretty simple process, but if you’d rather not tie up your valuable time doing it yourself or would like a little extra support, get in touch with the WMA team.


How to add your COVID Update information to Google Business
COVID Google Update

From your Google Business main profile page, click on the Info tab on the left hand side.

Google Business COVID-19 Update

Scroll down to and click on the “From the Business” section.

Google COVID Update

Scroll down to the “Health & safety” section. Click on all the COVID-safe requirements and protocols that apply to your business.

4. Consider professional physical marketing material

Brochures, business cards, and physical promotional material can be a big asset for your workplace. If you already use these in your business and need an update, or are starting from scratch, it is well worth considering getting office or store displays and marketing material designed and printed. This will help keep your branding consistent and your premises looking professional, while ensuring that any vital information for your business related to COVID safety is highly visible.

For more information about professional printing services, website design and updates, and social media marketing, contact Web Marketing Angels today.