Automate Your Health Business is a coaching company that specialises in business support for bariatric clinics, so their health website design needed to reflect their chosen niche.

Bariatric Business Coach, Helen Bauzon, has a background as a bariatric dietician, PT, coach and business owner. She has pooled her wealth of experience in the variety of fields to help bariatric surgeons and clinic owners grow and manage their practices without burning out.

There are a few different levels of service through Automate Your Health Business, with the vision of the business being to boost reduce workload while increasing revenue. Visitors to the website can also purchase the e-book to lead themselves through the process or choose to enlist Helen’s services as a consultant to guide the way. Alternatively, they can get her expertise on board and hire her to do the work for them!

The health website design itself is simple, informative with strong call to action links. While the website looks simple, however, there is plenty of functionality. This includes a shopping cart for the e-book, and a secure members’ section for clients.

Graphics include a flow chart so that prospective clients can get a clear picture of the process. The blue, green and white colour palette is uncomplicated while still being highly effective. The content is also concise and quick to the point… perfect for busy professionals who don’t have time to trawl through cluttered and wordy content!

The domain is actually redirected to This is a handy SEO technique that Web Marketing Angels helps clients achieve on a frequent basis. The use of industry-specific domains to reach target audiences should never be underestimated.

If you’re ready to bring more business to your inbox with strong SEO and digital marketing strategies, contact Web Marketing Angels today for a chat.

Automate Your Health Business - Health Website Design